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Reasons Why You Don’t Need Anything To Start Making Money As Video Game Developer

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Developing video games is a fantastic career path for anyone passionate about playing and making games. Many people interested in becoming a game developer wonder if it’s possible to do so without a college degree, so I put together this guide to provide some answers.

Can you become a game developer without a degree? The answer is yes. While a degree can at times make it easier to get a job with a large game development company, you do not need a degree to become a video game developer. The most important factors when applying for a game developer position are your portfolio, previous work experience, and connections in the industry.

You Can Start Developing Games Right Now

That’s right. Stop messing around and get to work. Stop scrolling TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and watching ESPN or Youtube. Get to work.

The main mistake that aspiring game developers make is that they never get started. Creating a video game can seem like a daunting task without any coding ability or formal education in game development.

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However, it’s good to keep in mind that everyone has to start somewhere. Even the biggest names in the game development industry had to learn to code at some point. So don’t hold yourself back.

If you want to make games, start making games. There are tons of tools available that allow you to create polished video games without any coding knowledge. If you lack the knowledge you need to make your first game, there is little you can’t learn with the help of Youtube, Apps, and websites like mine.

The 2nd mistake I see aspiring game developers make is trying to take on too much too soon. It’s tempting to try to make your first game development project the huge game that you’ve always dreamed of, but the problem with this is that you lack the experience needed to successfully pull off such a project.

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How To Teach Yourself About Game Development Without Paying For The College Degree

You’d be surprised at all the free resources online that you can learn from today. Take advantage of them. If you’re passionate about pursuing a career in video game development, begin by making yourself an expert in the subject.

Eat, sleep, and breathe game development. Listen to audiobooks, Youtube videos, and podcasts while you drive to work or mow the lawn. Get your hands on as many video game development books as you can. Surround yourself with people who are further along and know more than you do.

Turn your brain into a treasure trove of game development knowledge. When you do, what you’ve learned will come out when you sit down to work on a game.

A mistake I’ve made in the past is not taking notes on the things that I’m learning. Keep something handy to write down new thoughts or ideas that inspire you. There’s a good chance you won’t remember them otherwise.  

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Build Up Your Game Portfolio To Stand Out From Your Competition

Here’s an important piece that almost no one takes advantage of. If your goal is to land a job at a large game studio, one of the most important things to have is a great game development portfolio.

Video games aren’t cheap to make. Because of this, game studios need to be confident that the person they hire is capable of performing at the level that they need. The easiest way to give them confidence is with your portfolio.

Your portfolio should highlight the relevant projects that you’ve completed that showcase your various areas of expertise. If you’ve already created tons of small games, choose the best ones that relate to the position you’re applying for.

As far as the nuts and bolts of actually making a portfolio, the most popular route is an online portfolio. Putting together a simple website with images, videos, and descriptions of your best projects make it easy for game studios to get a feel for your skill level.

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Paid Training, On-the-Job Training

Next step is to find game developer jobs with on-the-job, paid training. This part is also crucial and often overlooked by those trying to break into the industry. Many think that gaming companies only hire you after you’ve developed a ton of successful games. This just isn’t true. Many companies offer paid training and will teach you how work for them, on the job. They will train and mold you for the positions they’re hiring for. It’s one of the best ways to get hired by some of the top gaming companies in the industry.

But you have to know how to search for and find these companies. You have to know what you’re looking for and want in a company.

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Flexible Hours, WFH Work From Home or Be Remote & Travel

Do you want flexible hours where you can work whenever you want? Do you want to be able to WFH, work from home whenever you want? Do you need to be remote 100% or most of the time, because you have a family to take care of at home? Or do you often travel but can get your work done, so you want to be remote 100% of the time? These are all things you need to outline in your job and career search to make the most out of it.

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Gain Experience As A New, Junior Game Developer

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After having a great portfolio, the next thing you’ll need is experience. While you’ll likely have a decent amount of experience if you have a well-rounded portfolio, it’s helpful to have any kind of hands-on experience working as a part of a game studio, even it’s just a small two or three-person team.

Developing video games with a team is far different from making a game by yourself. Depending on the size of the studio, working with a team can allow you to focus on a very specific area of a game.

However, in order to function like this, game studios need game developers with great communication skills that can work well with other personalities on the team.

Even if you don’t have a ton to show for the time that you spent working on a team, it’s still worth mentioning in your portfolio. Game studio drama is a very real thing, so finding friendly and personable people is a big priority.

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Build Connections & Networking In Game Developer Industry

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Building connections with people in the game development industry is important not only because you can learn a lot from being around professionals, but also because it can give you unique employment opportunities.

When a job becomes available and you already have your foot in the door, it’s possible that you can be hired for the job before they even announce its availability to the general public.

Be strategic and figure out who the best people in your industry are that you want to connect with. Then figure out your value-add and pitch with what you’re offering them.

Once you have one or more contacts, the next step is to set up a meeting with them. When you reach out to them, you should make it clear that you’re not trying to twist their arm into giving you a job. Rather, you want to get their advice and learn from their experience.

Come prepared with a list of questions and something to take notes with. This will show that you value their time and respect what they have to say. If it feels appropriate, you can ask if they have friends or acquaintances in the industries you’re interested in that they could connect you with.

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