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*Full Stack, Freelance Software Developers: Start Making At Least $158,649 w/ No Experience, WFH or Remote

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If you’re considering a career as a software engineer, you may be wondering what the benefits are. Here are great reasons to start training as a software developer today.

Being a software engineer, software developer or a full stack web developer is now one of the most sought after career paths in the world. It’s now the #1 highest in-demand job in the world. The average annual salary for a developer in the US is at least $125,000 and up. According to a recent survey of over 1,000 applicants, being a developer is among one of the happiest professions you could choose (i.e. 36% job satisfaction).

So we wanted to find out why becoming a software developer is so popular. In our research, we found that there are at least 8 major reasons why it’s been trending up over the years.

What Does A Full Stack Developer or Software Engineer Do?

Software developers are the people who create or develop computer programs – from operating systems to video games – using different programming languages, like C#, Java, and PHP. They are also known as computer programmers, or simply programmers, developers, or coders.

All the things software developers do are mostly associated with programming languages. If you become a software developer, the major tasks you will accomplish include writing programs or instructions using code. Designing and building software for apps, games, websites, etc. Engineers also edit, troubleshoot and update any software programs that companies or their customers use. This can include making sure that the security and quality of any program, app, or service running is up to par. Developers can also work on a variety of tasks that involve managing and analyzing huge amounts of data or information.

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There are about 700 programming languages that exist at present. Of them, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, SQL, and Python are the most popular ones, according to Stack Overflow. If you want to know what software developers do in real life, just think – the browser you’re currently using to read our article is built by a group of developers, the same thing applies to our website. That means developers are everywhere, powering up the whole tech industry.

Most Sought-After Reasons Why People Become Software Engineers

Software development is the #1 and the best job you can apply for right now, believe it or not. It is ranked top among the most sought-after jobs in the world in various surveys and statistics, including U.S. News, and Michael Page. But why?

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The size of the global software industry is huge, and it is growing rapidly. Now, it reached $968 billion and is expected to exceed $1493 billion in 2025, according to Software Products Global Market Report by Research and Markets. Not only for money; it is also a huge sector in terms of area of work, which we will talk about later. Just try to find a sector that has no use of the software. Even, we individually are highly dependent on software nowadays.

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The number of job openings in the US is about 189,200 per year for software developers! And the number of employment was over 1.8 million in 2020, which is projected to grow 22% by 2030, much faster than other occupations. The global picture is not so different from that of the US, because this industry is booming, and new job opportunities are being created every day. So, it’s a big reason why you would become a software developer.

Excellent Career Development Opportunities

If you decide to build a career in software development, you won’t have to worry much about getting a job. This part is now clear. But how much would you be paid?

It is hard to find a global average salary. But we have gathered data from different parts of the world which will help you have some idea.

In short, the payment of a software developer is very attractive and much higher than many other professions. It is, perhaps, the most important reason why many people should be interested to become software developers.

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Here’s an idea of the average annual salary for an average software developer:

  • The US: $110,140 (highest in the world)
  • Switzerland: $95,394 (highest in Europe)
  • Israel: $76,791 (highest in Asia)
  • Singapore: $72,993
  • Germany: $60,162
  • Australia: $53,669
  • Canada: $52,567
  • Panama: $50,000
  • The UK: $42,394

Sources: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Daxx, Statista, Singapore Business Review.

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Flexible Lifestyle: WFH Work From Home – Be Remote & Travel Anywhere & Work At the Same Time

If you become a software developer, you will be one of the few blessed professionals who can enjoy a flexible lifestyle, like comfortable workhour, remote work, and a break or tour at the end of a project. As a result, the job satisfaction rate is very high among them.

As many as 76% of the companies surveyed in the Coding Sans report admit that they allow their employees to work remotely. The report data has been collected from Besides, about 74% companies, surveyed by Gartner, say thay have planed to permanently shift some of their employees to remote work in the post-Covid-19.

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These statistics show you how much remote work opportunity software developers can enjoy, which plays a big part in having a flexible lifestyle. If you want to do freelancing, it is needless to say how much flexibility you can enjoy. Most of the developers can work from anywhere at any schedule. But it doesn’t mean they had to work longer than usual. The average work hour of a developer is around 40 hours/week.

Cheapest & Most Accessible Learning Resources For Developers Everywhere

Anybody can be a software developer if they have a passion for it, believe us. People think you should have a relevant degree or plenty of tech knowledge to become a software developer. But it’s not correct. A degree or tech knowledge can help you become a developer quickly but these are not mandatory. Yes, you need to have some basic education (at least secondary) and computer knowledge. But it’s not difficult to have these nowadays.

More than 69% of all developers in the world are either partly or fully self-taught! And, only 45% have a bachelor’s or higher degree in computer science or a related field. Besides, you can learn programming at any time anywhere via the internet. You can take help from online resources, like YouTube, e-learning sites, apps, and ebooks. Most of them are free, while some cost only a few bucks.

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