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I Missed Out On Not Getting Paid The Maximum Settlement By Not Hiring An Attorney After My Car Accident Like I Should Have

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*Disclaimer: we are not a law firm. This is not legal advice. You should consult your attorney for accurate legal counsel.

Being involved in a car accident is no fun. It’s not fun for anyone, especially if you or the other parties involved have been injured. However, in the event of a car accident, it can be overwhelming to know what are the best Next Steps to take.

We’ve put together a list that can hopefully be helpful if you or someone you know is ever involved in a car accident. You want to learn what these best next steps are so that you have the knowledge of what to do next. Don’t wait until you’re injured or involved in a car accident to start researching and learning what to do next.

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Do Not Admit Fault At The Scene

Regardless of who is at fault, you should never admit fault yourself. Statements made at the scene can be used as evidence. State laws require you to exchange insurance information and cooperate with any police investigation.

The same goes for any witnesses. No witnesses should be posting blame on any parties involved in the accident. Only the facts should be presented. If there’s video or surveillance footage of the accident at the scene, then this can and should be used to determine who’s at fault. In the meantime, all the facts and data need to be collected by the police and the insurance companies, before any blame is placed on anyone.

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Stop & Report The Accident To The Police

State law requires a report to be filed if an injury occurs or damage to a vehicle exceeds $500. Always stop at the scene of the accident, even if the situation seems minor. If you don’t need to call the police to report the accident, you still need to stop and exchange information with other drivers. The best course of action after you’ve been in an accident is to call law enforcement officers to come out and document the incident. If medical attention is necessary, they can also call EMTs to the scene. Get out of the road as much as possible. Using flares or keeping your hazard lights on to warn other drivers to proceed with caution. Wait in your vehicle while you wait for law enforcement officers to arrive.

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Do Your Best To Give The Police As Much of a Detailed Report As Possible

This can be hard because emotions will be running high, not to mention, also injuries. But when the officers arrive, try to describe the accident as accurately as possible for the official police report. This report will give a clear picture of what occurred and will need to be used in insurance claims and potentially court if needed. If you’re unsure of any details, be very clear that you’re not certain. When officers ask if you’re injured, it’s always best to say, “I’m not sure,” initially (unless you are evidently injured), because car accident injuries are often not apparent until after the accident. Sometimes adrenaline and the chaos of the situation can distract from the pain. Other injuries do not set in immediately, so it’s best to wait and reassess a few days after the accident.

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Document Any Damage to All Vehicles and All Parties At The Scene

After officers have arrived and taken down the necessary information, it’s a good idea to take photos of the accident and document any physical damage to both your car and the other vehicle. If you have any visible injuries, take photos of these as well. While photographs can be useful during an insurance claim or investigation down the line, do not interfere with police and only take photos if the situation allows for it.

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Be Sure To Exchange & Get the Contact Information of All Parties Involved

You’d be surprised. This is often one of the most overlooked steps. Typically, if the police are called to the scene of the accident, they will collect each driver’s information, but if the accident is minor (such as a small bump in a parking lot), you need to ensure that you ask the other driver for his or her information and provide yours as well. This should include basic contact info as well as the name of each person’s insurance company.

If the accident is reported to the police, the officer will provide all parties with a police report number, which will be used to access a copy of the police report.

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Report The Accident To Your Insurance Company ASAP

Your insurance company can refuse to protect you if the accident isn’t reported promptly. So you want to tell them ASAP. Ask your insurance company about the benefits and coverage that are available to you in the event of an accident. This is what you’ve been paying for this whole time. You may have coverage for car repair, rental cars, wage loss or medical bills under your policy. These benefits can be used while you wait to settle your claim with the other driver. Using these benefits will not raise your insurance rates if the accident wasn’t your fault.

The sooner you report the accident, the more quickly your claim can be resolved. Contact your insurance company in a timely manner to provide all the necessary information and paperwork. You will likely need a copy of the police report to send to your insurance provider. However, it is recommended that you consult with your attorney before speaking to your insurance company and providing a statement for their records. During this process, it is recommended that you check with your insurer to see if your coverage also includes Medpay, which will cover some of your medical expenses related to any injuries from the accident.

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Seek Medical Attention ASAP If Necessary & Keep Records of All Your Medical Bills & Visits

Cooperate with your insurance company as much as possible. Often it may seem like a lot of work dealing with them, but they are on your side. It’s all for your own benefit. They may need to record your version of how the accident happened. They may want to inspect your car and speak with your doctors. Refusing to cooperate with your company may cause you to lose benefits.

Though it is beneficial to get your claim in quickly, most insurance companies will want to take a statement as soon as you call to file your claim. It’s best to consult your attorney before giving information to the insurance company as your lawyer can help protect your rights, preserve potential evidence, and explain what kind of compensation you may be entitled to outside of fixing the damage to your vehicle.

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Get Legal Advice From Personal Injury & Car Accident Attorneys ASAP

Often times, the worst thing that can happen is “not knowing what you don’t know.” Sometimes, you don’t know whether or not you need to speak to a lawyer until it’s too late. Don’t let that be you. If you have any doubts or think it might be a good idea to get real legal advice, chances are, you are probably right.

The search is easy. Personal injury attorneys that specialize in helping people who have been involved in a car accident are very easy to find. You can start by just searching Google. There will likely be a variety of attorneys you can find in your area that can speak to you right away.

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*Disclaimer: we are not a law firm. This is not legal advice. You should consult your attorney for real legal counsel.